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Why choose AviBroker

Our network consists of approx. 2000 aircraft and time to time, we select and we provide to our customers in order to fulfill all possible needs.

Thanks to partnerships established at the international level, we are able to study and develop the organization of personalized and exclusive flights up to 200 passengers.

The high quality standards that we can guarantee have allowed of becoming Selected Broker of the Italian Civil Protection, beneficiary of the European Project "DRHOUSE" until 2012: we acted in cases of natural disaster, earthquake and health risk. Reached the affected country within 15.000 km from Italy and with 72 hours prior notice. We dealt with the transportation of material, equipment and personnel.

Our partners guarantee the respect of the Safety Law set by European (JAA) and U.S. (FAA) Regulations.

Every aircraft in our fleet’s partners is equipped with flight instruments and security solutions, such as TCAD/TCAS, FMS, and TAWS/GPWS.

The periodical updating of the required certifications, including insurance, is performed regularly at each expiration.

The periodical updating of the pilots and crew sheets and footnotes related to the training and flight hours performed

Special attention is given to the maintenance of each aircraft and its components with the greatest care by performing maintenance schedules for each individual aircraft.

© 2010-2021 - AviBroker, LLC. All Rights Reserved
AviBroker, LLC doesn't own any aircraft.
All flights are operated by Part 135 or 121 air Carriers or foreign equivalent.
All charter flight services are provided by federally licensed direct air carriers.
Avibroker supply rent car service: please consult our partner website for further information about rent car service.
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